Alan Lubert, representing the Ronald McDonald House Charities, came to HES to visit with students and staff about the history of the foundation and the mission of the Ronald McDonald House to help families with housing while their children receive medical care. This was our first year having Mr. Lubert present to our students! Classrooms will be collecting pop tabs if you’d like to help us in supporting the RMHC!
Congratulations to the Red Hawk 4th place out of 11 teams. Senior Olivia Hawks took 2nd in POI and 2nd in OO which qualifies her for state champs and state festival in both categories. Junior Israel Ross placed 1st in Prose which qualifies him for state champs and state festival. Senior Gavin Noll placed 5th in Impromptu speech which qualifies him for state festival. Sophomore Chance Rudder placed 6th in Extemporaneous speech. The team competes next at Nemaha Central Saturday, February 1st. Great job Red Hawks!!
🎭 🔴🔵 #HHSRedHawks #USD415 #HHSRedHawk4n6 #HHSRedHawk4n6 #RedHawkReady #Hiawathaks #HiawathaKansas #VisitHiawatha 🔴🔵 🎭
Reminder USD 415 has an early out at 12:30 on Wednesday, January 29, 2025
🔴🔵 #HESRedHawks #HMSRedHawks #HHSRedHawks #HHSRedHawkAlumni #USD415 #RedHawkReady #Hiawathaks #HiawathaKansas #VisitHiawatha 🔴🔵
First Semester Honor Roll!
2nd Quarter Perfect Attendance!
Livestream address:
Congratulations to the HHS Varsity Scholars Bowl team who brought home 2nd place tonight at the Perry Invitational
Brrrr! Winter has arrived and with the cold temperatures lately, please make sure your student is dressed appropriately for the weather such as with a coat, hat, and gloves. We have donated coats, hats, and gloves if you are in need of them.
Hiawatha Elementary is looking to hire a Title Interventionist for the 2025-2026 school year! #HESRedHawks #HES #HHSRedHawkAlumni #USD415 #RedHawkReady #helpwanted #job #jobs #hiawathaks #hiawathakansas #VisitHiawatha #HelpWanted
2 hour late start on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
Hiawatha High School.
B day
No breakfast and no 2nd chance breakfast.
Detailed bell schedule for 2 hour late start is attached.
Due to weather conditions USD 415 will have a 2 hour late start Tuesday, January 21, 2025 there will be no breakfast, no AM PreSchool & no vo-tech tomorrow.
Debido a las condiciones climáticas, el USD 415 tendrá un inicio con 2 horas de retraso el martes 21 de enero de 2025, no habrá desayuno ni preescolar AM.
🔴🔵 #HESRedHawks #HMSRedHawks #HHSRedHawks #HHSRedHawkAlumni #USD415 #RedHawkReady #Hiawathaks #HiawathaKansas #VisitHiawatha 🔴🔵
HMS BBB @ Sabetha
Jan. 21, 2025
8th grade STEM students: Deja Beck, Charli Keller, and Gabby Mackey competed in the Future City Competition today in Topeka. The girls spent a semester of researching, planning, designing, writing and building a futuristic, floating city. With the help of our community mentor, Tom Martin, they did a great job having innovative ideas centered around clean and healthy living. Things like a water distillation center, UV lights and microorganisms in plumbing and aeroponic grow towers among others, the girls presented their ideas to different panels of judges today!
HMS BBB @ Riley County
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is Monday January 20, 2025 ; Schools and offices will be closed
Congratulations to the HHS Varsity Scholars Bowl team who took first place at the Royal Valley Invitational meet they went undefeated in each round!
🔴🔵 #HHSRedHawks #USD415 #RedHawkReady #Hiawathaks #HiawathaKansas #VisitHiawatha 🔴🔵
HMS Yearbook orders are due by February 28th!
HMS BBB Reschedule Update