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almost 6 years ago, James Farnen
Enjoy the latest installment of the Red Hawk (P)review from the Hawk-Eye staff of Hiawatha High School!! REEEEE!!
almost 6 years ago, James Farnen
HMS seventh grade students pose after a successful "break out" session. Students collaborated to find clues and solve puzzles during an immersive learning game experience known as 'BreakOut EDU'. Fun times!!
almost 6 years ago, Cathy Robert
HMS seventh graders assembled table favors for the Hiawatha Community Thanksgiving Dinner. Happy Thanksgiving, Hiawatha!
almost 6 years ago, Cathy Robert
Attention HMS Parents/Guardians: Today, HMS students practiced an evacuation drill and gathered at a safe and secure environment away from school grounds. The scenario for our drill today was a “potential gas leak.” Please speak to your student about the drill and help them to reflect on the reasons why such drills occur. I appreciate your ongoing support as we work thru a series of drills throughout the school year. Sincerely, Kyley Gatz Principal
almost 6 years ago, Kyley Gatz
This Sunday the Daily Perk will be hosting a Coffee and Karaoke event! Come with your friends to have a wild time and to sing your heart out to whatever genre of music your heart desires. It starts at 5:00 pm and last till 7:30. The cost is two dollars to get in, but definitely the best two dollars you’ll ever spend.
almost 6 years ago, Emily Meisenheimer
This Saturday is the KSHSAA game day spirt showcase. The competition will be held at the Expo center in Topeka. Come dressed in your best red and blue and support your local Red Hawk cheerleaders, starting at 9:00 am with an entry fee of $15.
almost 6 years ago, Athena Garza
The high school invited our seventh and eighth graders to their Career Expo on Wednesday morning where they had the opportunity to visit with a wide variety of community business professionals. In the afternoon, the middle school hosted their own Career Fair! There, our students attended three small-group presentations in the vocational areas that most interested them. Huge thanks to all the community members who shared their time and talents with our students!! (We apologize for not having a picture of Stacy Jasper, the Hiawatha Parks & Recreation Director. Mrs. Krauter was paying too much attention to snap a photo, she said. ) :) Special thanks goes to high school Counselor Jenny Dunn and middle school Counselor Kim Krauter for coordinating the events.
almost 6 years ago, Cathy Robert
Career Fair
Career Fair
Career Fair
Career Fair
Thank you to all the presenters at the High School this morning for sharing your time and talents at the Career Expo. Our middle schoolers enjoyed being included!!
almost 6 years ago, Cathy Robert
HMS is proud to announce the October winners of the State Farm Citizenship Award, sponsored by State Farm Insurance- Ryan Meininger. Nominated by middle school instructors, one student from each grade level is selected. These students have demonstrated exceptional characteristics of respect, responsibility, manners, and thoughtfulness. They are recognized for great citizenship both in and out of school. We are very proud of them. Congratulations to all!!
almost 6 years ago, Cathy Robert
Superintendent Lonnie Moser invites you for coffee and conversation Friday November 16th 9:00AM
almost 6 years ago, Hiawatha Schools USD415
Red Hawk Talk
In honor of Veteran's Day, HMS Student Council members invited students to fill out hearts and stars naming veterans and current military personnel they are either related to, or know. STUCO members put them on our entry wall, creating a flag.
almost 6 years ago, Cathy Robert
HMS Grades 7 and 8 Fall Harvest Dance is this Friday November 16th from 7-8:30pm in the Commons!! Admission is $2.00. Parents are asked to pick up their students promptly at 8:30pm. Thank you!
almost 6 years ago, Cathy Robert
Fall Dance
The Remarkable Red Hawk program recognizes students, staff, and teachers who demonstrate excellence in a number of ways. We would like to congratulate October's recipient - Mr. Tim Abeita! He received a gift certificate sponsored by GN Bank and a certificate of excellence!!
almost 6 years ago, Cathy Robert
October Remarkable Red Hawk
Congratulations to the HMS Remarkable Red Hawks for October! The Remarkable Red Hawk program recognizes students, staff, and teachers who demonstrate excellence in a number of ways at HMS. At the end of each month, one student from the fifth and sixth grades and one student from the seventh and eighth grades are randomly selected from all nominations during that month from students, teachers, and staff. Awardees receive a gift card sponsored by Citizens State Bank & Trust and Morrill & Janes Bank, a certificate of excellence, and a Remarkable Red Hawk t-shirt. We are SO proud of all our Remarkable Red Hawk nominees! Their many accomplishments and achievements do not go unnoticed!
almost 6 years ago, Cathy Robert
October Remarkable Red Hawks
Check out the latest Red Hawk (P)review from the HHS Hawk-Eye staff! Happy Thanksgiving.
almost 6 years ago, James Farnen
Yesterday, November 7th, HHS students and staff 16 and older participated in a bi-annual blood drive from 9am until 2pm. 60 Red Hawks signed up for the drive and HHS donated 45 units of blood by the end of the day!
almost 6 years ago, Robin Madere
The annual career day will be held on the 14, next Thursday in the auditorium at the high school. There will be over twenty guest speaking in different classrooms, so dress sharp and take notes!
almost 6 years ago, Athena Garza
Today at Hiawatha High School, Red Hawks will be celebrating our communities' veterans at our school's annual Veterans Day assembly. The Veterans Day assembly will start at 2:45 last until the end of the school day. On behalf of our school, I would like to thank our veterans!
almost 6 years ago, Jenna Madere
HHS Presents: The Addams Family Nov. 9 and 10 at 7:00 pm Nov. 11 at 2:00 pm Tickets are $5 for students and $7 for adults
almost 6 years ago, Hiawatha Schools USD415
The Addams Family Musical Flyer