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Dallas Keller
Math 5th & 6th Grade
Middle School
Tim Gilbert
Tech Systems Analyst/Administrator
Admin Office
(785) 742-4172
Robyn Kolb
Human Resource Director
Admin Office
Levi Thompson
Director of Finance/Clerk of the Board
Admin Office
(785) 742-2224
Tim White
Director of Maintenance
Admin Office
(785) 742-4172
Eric Edie
Tech Systems Analyst/Administrator
Admin Office
(785) 742-4172
Brenda Thonen
Accounts Payable
Admin Office
(785) 742-2224
Lori Fordyce
Curriculum Director
Admin Office
(785) 742-2224
Dorrine Olson
Administrative Assistant/Data Coord
Admin Office
(785) 742-2224
Lonnie Moser
Admin Office
(785) 742-2224
Sidney Mackey
Admin Office
(785) 742-2224
Jacquie Kerl
Sp Ed Rep
Board of Education
(785) 742-2224
Griff Howard
Board of Education
(785) 742-2224
Brooklyn Schuetz
Board of Education
(785) 742-2224
Mitch Brown
Board of Education
(785) 742-2224
Ryan Patton
Board of Education
(785) 742-2224
Ian Schuetz
President/Sp Ed Rep
Board of Education
(785) 742-2224
Roni Spihlmann
Vice President/ Sp Ed Rep
Board of Education
(785) 742-2224
Kendelle Runer
Sp Ed IRC Teacher
Elementary School
(785) 742-7181
Tiffany Boyce
Administrative Assistant
Elementary School
(785) 742-7181