Hiawatha High School
600 Red Hawk Drive 785.742.3312
Hiawatha, KS 66434 FAX 785.742.7156

May 21, 2020

Dear High School Parents and Guardians,

Due to the fluid Covid 19 situation, all summer learning opportunities had to be modified. Driver’s education is no exception. At this time, USD 415 is hopeful we will be able to offer driver’s education to our students this summer. We continue work with and under the guidance of KSDE, KDHE, and Brown County Health.

Please stay tuned for more information. Information will be shared with students via their school email and their Google Classroom. We will communicate information to parents and patrons using our social media platforms.


Lori Fordyce                                                                                                                  Kim Lillie
Hiawatha High School Principal                                        Assistant Principal/Activities Director